seeds of spirit2

This week’s sassy SoS interviewee is one mighty fine, sensual vixen! She is the channel with whom I connected to my inner cheetah and learnt so much more about my inner nature – you can find out your animal totem too just head to her website If I had to sum her up in one word it would be WILD, in it’s fullest form, in the best possible way. She is a cheeky fox with a potty mouth and an unashamed love of sex and bacon.

Meet Emelie Archer Pickett, or as she is also fondly known, Fox. She is an animal oracle and the curator of and the special group The Forbidden Zoo, a place for all the animals to come and play and dammit she is amazing.


Can you define what you feel your soul purpose is? 

I believe we are all here to live a very similar purpose and that is to live with integrity while spreading love and compassion at every opportunity. So, our challenge and opportunity is to find our unique path to express this purpose. Like most of us, my path to purpose has been rocky, unpredictable, and at times completely terrifying. Now though, my life is in alignment (finally!)… My purpose is expressed daily through my work as a Spirit Animal Oracle and teacher of the totemic arts; and I’ve never felt more grateful, creative, passionate, and fueled in my entire life. This is what it feels like to find your path! Now, I help illuminate the way for others to find their own, by way of their animal totems… what a blessing!


What are the core beliefs/rules/principles that underpin the way you live your life right now?

Integrity, honesty, compassion, and love are my four compass points. If what I’m doing, saying, and modeling does not exemplify one or all of those things, I need to adjust course. It simplifies things tremendously… either I’m in alignment with those values or I’m not. If not, then I know immediately what I need to do to get back on track.


Do you have any ‘start the day right’ routines, if so what do they involve?

I start every single day with time for meditation. Sometimes it’s not immediately after waking, but at some point in my morning I take 10-60 minutes and meditate. I clear and balance my Chakras, I visualize how I want to feel that day, I work at keeping my heart open, and I connect with the animal spirits who fuel my work… Meditation + coffee + sizzling bacon = a morning well spent!


What are your greatest strengths? 

I can find something to love about everyone and everything… and I choose to search for that instead of looking at what’s “wrong” with the world. Keeping an open heart allows me to be objective and nonjudgmental – which invites everyone to be authentic and vulnerable with me – I am gifted at encouraging others to fully embrace their beautiful selves.


What really lights your fire?

Great conversations, hot passionate sex with my Tiger of a husband, delicious food, the nape of my son’s neck, the way trees dance in the afternoon breeze, emails I get from my fantastic clients…


When was the last time you took a risk that didn’t pay off exactly the way that you had wanted it to, and what little nuggets of wisdom did you gain as a result?

A client of mine suggested I raise the price for my individual coaching services, and it seemed like it was “that time”. So, I raised my prices when I re-branded my website and got absolutely ZERO business… I couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong because I knew I was “worth” the price I was charging… Then I realized that I was acting in a way that wasn’t in alignment with my actual values. I don’t believe price and money equate to real worth… So – I took another risk and erased my prices completely, allowing people to pay what THEY decided they could and would pay to work with me. It changed EVERYTHING. All of a sudden, my offerings became inclusive instead of exclusive, which felt SO much better to me! Since I changed my business to being purely donation-based, I’ve had unprecedented success and now I get to play all day with people’s animal totems at a price they decide! It’s fantastic for everyone… I’m so happy I failed!

Who has been the most influential person in your life so far and why?

My husband, my Tiger, my man… He was a huge catalyst in helping me fully break away from my old life; a life that kept me living in shades of gray instead of full color.

I’ve learned so much from him; how to be a better mother, how I want to be as a wife and partner, how much I looooooove sex and intimacy, how to embrace my gifts and bring them forward into the world. Every single day he inspires me to be the best version of myself. Every day, he reminds me to be brave with my heart. I would marry him every morning for the rest of my life. And I do. Every morning.


Scents often have an intimate link with our feelings and memory, what are three of your  favourite scents, can you tell us why and how they make you feel?

I love this question!! My three favorite scents are patchouli mixed with grass, moroccan oil, and sweat. They all remind me of my partnership, of ignited passion, of the feel of my hands in the dirt or being skin to skin. They make me feel grounded + lifted at the same time; pulled taut between heaven and earth.


They say home is where the heart is..can you describe your version of the perfect home?

My version of the perfect home is one my man and I design and build ourselves. We can be at home anywhere in the world because we are at home with ourselves; but we have a tantalizing vision of the home/retreat center/community we intend to create and it’s breathtaking. A vibrant garden full of food, a home made of earth + sky that’s full of friends, and nearby woods to hike, revel, commune, and dance in. We will build it. I hope you come and visit sometime! All my animals would be welcome! =)


If you could pick one song to be the soundtrack to your “movie of life” what would it be and why?

Hmmm, I really love Aloha Ke Akua by Nahko & Medicine for the people, and you can get a feel for why if you watch this video of it:… The lyrics and music perfectly describe my journey (all of our journeys, really)… Every time I hear it, the strings of my heart are stretched and I feel immense love for every atom and particle of us.


If you met a genie who offered you three wishes, what would they be?

To live to see my son thrive as an adult; to continue my work and thrive from it in all ways; to be in love like this until the day I die.


Finally, stepping into the shoes of your future self..what’s happening in your life 5 years from now?

Our retreat center and home have been built and are filled with a thriving community. We have another baby. I still marry him every morning with a side of bacon and coffee. I am unafraid of flying.


Official Bio – Emelie Archer Pickett is a Fox, paradigm f*cker, poet, and the curator of A Forbidden Life :: an online hub for forbidden conversations about sex, intimacy, love, and shamanism. She’s also an animal totem oracle. Want to find out yours and fuel your wild life? Come play with her (and pay what you can): your soul totem is waiting.