The Last Few Weeks


I have been in ultra organising mode this past week and it has hit me so hard how quickly this year is flying past already….Right now my man and I are busy de-cluttering, throwing out everything we really won’t need ever again and putting our stuff in boxes (hence us currently sleeping on the floor). This isn’t just the usual itchy feet 6 months has passed and I’m tired of this place move this is a -everything we put into a box we won’t see for at least a year- move. I couldn’t be more excited!!!


We are heading back to mum and dads for a few months at the end of this week in order to save some much needed money for our round the world travel-ganza in June. 3 months of playing guest with all of our stuff packed up and only a few clothes should provide us with good practice for living out of a suitcase for the best part of a year. What a way to spend our first few months as a married couple!


Anyway amidst all this chaos and wedding planning I have been doing next to no updates at all so thought I’d post some pics of the last two weeks which saw me celebrate my 25th Birthday and my Hens weekend.


As I mentioned in one of my previous posts…this awesome man organised a surprise party for me. This is the same awesome man whom I am to wed in 12 short days (still a bit surreal, can you tell I’m excited yet ;P)


Birthday night celebrations were spent at my family’s…this is a candid pic taken by my captures a precious moment in time where my equally awesome sister-cousin and I sat playing previews for the upcoming Outlander series – a book we are both devout followers and lovers of…(celebratory Sarsaparilla in hand).


Annnnnnd, this is me being ‘artistic’ with my favourite new toy :D It is so lovely to use. Best present ever!!!


Our go-to place for a little couple quite time (and the most amazing fish and chips) So nice to just sit by the water and have some time in nature, whilst being able to people watch (a favourite pastime of mine).

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This is the end of the night that was the start of my Hens Weekend. We went out with friends for some valley style yum-cha and some drinks….I of course was made to wear the obligatory cheap veil, Bride to be banner and a big helium balloon announcing our girls night out. This balloon was then tied to Bridie for the remainder of the night where she managed to hit and annoy people continuously..great fun!!

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This was the start of our amazing Palazzo Versace journey. So many delicious cocktails were sipped over this weekend. The stand out being the Spiced Apple Martini….heaven in a martini glass I swear. Soooo good!

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When we came to book in we found that unfortunately our rooms had been double booked…as a result we were FORCED to stay in a 3 bed 3 bath private condominium (it was hard trust me)

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This was our living room…gotta get me some pillars like these! Talk about luxury, there was soo much detail in every little thing, the Versace face even adorned the pillows, the spoons and the glasses.

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Just chilling on the artificial beach. The day started rainy but decided to clear just for us and we had a few hours of beautiful sunny weather :)

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Such a hard life…..

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And of course the rooms came with bathrobes and complimentary slippers. Just what you need to rug up in when you get out of the private spa bath…

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The sunset view over the water was also pretty spectacular. We even had a turn down service where someone came into our rooms and turned down our bedsheets and fluffed our pillows, which I didn’t really think was all that necessary, we all have functioning arms and hands after all but the nice lady left us some delicious chocolates so I guess it was ok.

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It was such an amazing weekend where I got to just chill out with my girls, it was lovely to spend some time being pampered with my mum too. The whole weekend made me feel so grateful for every special person in my life. I feel so loved and cared for, family and friends really are a true blessing.

Well I really just wanted to update the blog with what’s been happening and to share some pretty pictures…better get back to packing boxes and planning the last bits and pieces for the weeding…I am sure you will soon be overloaded with wedding and honeymoon pics in the next few weeks so watch out ;)
